Power + Line | Engineering Solutions

Littlebrook Substation

Over at Littlebrook, between the Dartford Bridge and the Bluewater shopping centre, P+L has been busy installing new electrical equipment as part of an ongoing upgrade to the railway infrastructure.

Following the recent heavy rain, access to the site became difficult, so a temporary roadway was laid out for the delivery of plant and materials.


01 Littlebrook Temporary Access Road
Temporary access road at Littlebrook (Dartford Bridge seen in the background)


Meanwhile, work progressed with the construction of the concrete bases and the installation of the power modules…

02 Littlebrook Entrance to Site
Entrance to Site


03 Littlebrook Base for Module
Constructing one of the module bases


04 Littlebrook Base for Module
Module bases under construction


05 Littlebrook Temporary Walkway
A temporary walkway provides safe access to the works


06 Littlebrook Base for Module
Concrete bases ready to receive the electrical modules


07 Littlebrook Modules Installed
Electrical module installed on concrete base


08 Littlebrook Modules Installed
Electrical modules installed on concrete bases

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